I need to do the degrees celcuis and fahrenheit abreviations on my computer document, can someone tell me what keys to use. oC & oF.

Do you want to post them on this board or is this a document you are writing. If the latter, what program are you using. If microsoft Word I may be able to help.

It is a document I am doing for school on computer. We are using Microsoft XP i think.

XP is the operating system for windows. I expect you are using Microsoft Word. If so, go to "insert" on the tool bar, click on symbols, and see if you can find the one you want. If not you may make an o as a supsbript by pressing control+shift+ = and hitting the letter o. To get out of superscript mode, press control+space bar. If you are using WordPerfect, press the alternate key+00442 on the number pad.

That last one is alternate key + 0442 on the number pad. I typed one too many 0s.

thanks i will try it