I need to do an essay on two formally organized groups and their association with each other. I have done one already on Teachers and the Teachers Union and I cant do the same subject twice. So no more unions. I also submitted an article on the Boy Scouts and the Boy Scouts of America but the teacher said it wasn't what they are looking for. I am really stumped. I am not asking for someone to write the essay, I am looking for some ideas on what two formally organized groups to do the essay on... Thanks so much for any ideas!

For formally organized groups and their relationships, you might consider
Democratic and Republican Parties
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Two different church organizations

Republicans and Democrats

County sheriffs and State troopers (or whatever they are called in your state)

Your local Catholic Diocese and any Catholic school in their area
