I need to do a chapter review about the book of Professor Guy Peters. I am a student doing Master in Public Administration. But we had never done such thing, this is new and difficult, the chapter to be review are 2,5,6 and chapter 8. is there any possibility to help. dead line is monday august 10

4 answers

Let me clarify: You are in a Graduate Masters program, and you have never done a chapter review, but you have four chapters due in a week.

I wonder if you have read the chapters? If so, did you make a synopsis of the chapters, then analyze that? Chapter reviews are supposed to fairly say what the chapter covered, then critique it.
I doubt if anyone here is familiar with that particular book, but we will be happy to critique your thinking and analysis.
Let me amplify: we are really good at clarifying thinking, and making you support your thesis, and analysis. We read critically, and force you to choose your words and thoughts. It could be helpful, especially if you have little experience in writing critical analysis, but do it early, so we can go back and forth with you on the content and revisions.
thank you for the response. I have read the chapters and also
made an synopsis. according to that I mad my review, but I do not know if it is good.
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