i need to determine how many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in these but they arent just straight elements

tehy are singly ionized hydrogen (positive)

doubly ionized hydrogen(positive)

and singly ionized oxygen (negative)

these are my answers, respectively

1. one proton
2. two protons and two neutrons
3.eight protons and eight neutrons, nine electrons

please tell me if i did it correctly and how to do it....even if i did it correctly!!! thank you so much

2 answers

singly ionized hydrogen (positive)- correct one proton

doubly ionized hydrogen(positive)- two protons and two neutrons would be helium not hydrogen, did you mean to write hydrogen? because you cant doubly ionize hydrogen positively

singly ionized oxygen (negative)-eight protons and eight neutrons, nine electrons correct
I agree with venessa assuming the oxygen isotope is 816O-1 and not some other variety.