I need to create a tale, which the principal topic is summer. Im not sure what kind of tale i can write about summer

7 answers

What are you doing (or plan to do) during your summer vacation?
Taking a summer course and reading a novel
I have a couple of thoughts.

The main character could be a boy who compares his new love to a rose. By the end of the summer the rose wilts and the girl goes back to school. End of romance.

Or -- how about a boy who's a life guard and has to keep reprimanding a bully. However, the bully nearly drowns, and the life guard saves him.
Thank you.. i wanted something to do more with the weather of summer, but i don't think it would work for a tale??
Unless you compare the heat and the rains (or whatever) to elements in your story.

Or you could do a fable explaining how the summer grew so hot.
No i have to do a tale. I wont do that idea, because it wouldn't work. Thank you for your suggestions.
You're welcome. Good luck and have fun with your tale.