I need to create a pseudocode for the follwing application:
Write Java-like pseudocode to specify the logic for the following program application:
Write an application that prompts an employee for an hourly pay rate and hours worked. Compute gross pay (hours times rate), withholding tax, and net pay (gross pay minus withholding tax). Withholding tax is computed as a percentage of gross pay based on the following:
Gross Pay ($)
Withholding (%)
0 to 300.00
300.01 to 400.00
400.01 to 500.00
500.01 and over
Here is what I have so far:
Import scanner library;
Class named NetPay
float array gross[] ={ 300,400,500,500.01};
float array withholding[]={.10,.12,.15,20};
static double npay(double hrs, double rate;
int hours;
int payRate;
double taxRate;
int gross;
public method named NetPay()
int gross times taxRate= float net;
public method named HoursWorked()
new scanner object asking user to enter hours worked;
stores data in int hours;
Does this look correct so far? I just need to create a Java pseudocode for this application. Any suggestions or feedback?