i need to create a policy to use in a theme park to reduce reuse and recycle waste.

i thought about to reduce the packaging in food items bought in the theme park ,to reuse the waste to make items to sell in the theme park shops to make notepads and drawing books plastics to make pencils and rulers and to make maps out of the recycled paper . to recycle to have a number of recycling bins around the them park

does this sound ok ? im not very good at this type of thing it needs to be a poster and its due in tommorrow .....

thankyou any ideas or opinions id be very glad to hear thanks

1 answer

How about including a set of rules for not dumping waste anywhere else than in the bins? Moreover, I would strongly recommend to use renewable enrgies to power the roller costers and so on. Solar plants would be a great idea. Recently, I heard of two Israelian scientists inventing a method to obtain energy by passing-by cars. When cars drive over a surface, one can measure a pressure on this surface. Surprisingly, this pressure can be transformed somehow in energy. The same is possible for humans. One could also build booths from reneable materials like wood.