Can you suggest anything I can look under? Anything that pertains to trade and commerce, labor systems, industrialization, or capitalism and socialism around this region, and time frame? Well..the countries that are in central Africa are Cameroon, Equitorial Guinea, Republic of the Congo, Angola, Congo, Zambia, and Central African Republic.
Please give me something to work with..I'm really out of luck. I've tried numerous resources.
I need to cover the most important developments in agricultural and pastoral production in central Africa during the middle ages (600-1450). Also, I can cover the creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems in place of the subtheme.
I'm out of luck. The trade networks or the nile river either doesn't fit in the time frame or it doesn't fit in the region.
Does the three-field system pertain to the requirements? What about the climate changes?
Any other ideas?
6 answers
I searched at Wikipedia for central africa 7th century and here are the results:
I searched at for central africa 8th century and here are the results:
You can search at both places with varying search terms, and you'll get different results. Search by century.
I searched at for central africa 8th century and here are the results:
You can search at both places with varying search terms, and you'll get different results. Search by century.
You also have to keep in mind that, if there was no written language in those areas, it's unlikely there were records kept. If there were no written language for a particular period of time in a particular geographical area, anything written would probably be someone's recording of oral stories and traditions that were handed down over the generations.
Any other ideas?
Any topics I could look under because obviously there aren't much information on this time frame/ region.
Any trade networks I could work with? What about the gold-salt trade, Nile river, or the tran-saharan trade route?
Any trade networks I could work with? What about the gold-salt trade, Nile river, or the tran-saharan trade route?
Use all the terms you can think of for searching -- and don't forget to add the century. That'll help narrow down each search.
This is truly research. You search and search and search again. That's part of the process.
If you have online databases that your local or school library subscribes to, you should use those, too. They have access to things that are not available via regular search engines such as google and ask.
Find a reference librarian and ask about them.
This is truly research. You search and search and search again. That's part of the process.
If you have online databases that your local or school library subscribes to, you should use those, too. They have access to things that are not available via regular search engines such as google and ask.
Find a reference librarian and ask about them.