I need this paragraph proof read if that's OK.
also need to know if it's a fully devolved the topic a high school diploma is important to my future.
A high school diploma is important to my future for a number of reasons. The First being to attend college it is required I earn my diploma. The Second reason being without it you can’t get any decent paying jobs. I use to think that a diploma didn’t matter to my future at all. That somehow I would magically go to college without it. Maybe I thought I would find a good paying job without it. Boy was I ever wrong about something in my life. This diploma is my future, and without it I will stay living in this same rut I call my life.
2 answers
Is this your introduction? Or is it the first paragraph of the body of your paper? It makes a difference.
Its just a to be a 8 sentence paragraph that fully develops the topic (a high school diploma is important to my future.)
I need it proof read for mistakes and need to know if it fully develops that topic.
I need it proof read for mistakes and need to know if it fully develops that topic.