I need someones opinion on my thesis statement and the introduction that I have came up with...Is there someone that would be willing to let me send it to them to review to see if would work for a persuasive or argumetative paper??

4 answers

Please post your thesis statement and introduction here.

Someone will be glad to comment on them.
Cyber-bullying may cause its victim more emotional distress than the traditional schoolyard bully did.


Let us go back to 1980, back to the good ole’ days when being a bully meant being physically, mentally and emotionally cruel to his or her victim. Most every child has grown up on one side of the fence being either the bully or the victim. Those days were a rough time in a kid’s life. Most times the best part of their day was getting home. ‘Whew, made it home now were safe’ is sure to have been the thought at the time. Let us now travel 20 years into the future to today when technology gives today’s kids more ways to connect, socialize, and communicate, this is the good news. The bad news however is that kids are abusing the technology. This generation is no longer just a schoolyard bully it has evolved into a new high tech version of the schoolyard bully. Cyber-bullying is cruel anti-social behavior acted out either online or through cell phones. Because of this new technology, Cyber-bullying may cause its victims more emotional distress than the traditional schoolyard bully did.
Yes. This is very good.
Thank u so much!
I am also working on a conclusion that I would like to post for your review..it will be about an hour if you are around still to check it Ms. Sue...