I need someone to proof read my narrative paragraph for punctuation and spelling. Thank you!

My First Deer Hunt.
On November 17, 2004 the sun silently started slipping beneath the horizon and soon darkness will be creeping in. I knew my first day of deer hunting was coming to an end. I had spent most of the day in a tree stand hopping to see a deer. I sat quietly as time went on. I figured, I was not going to see anything and decided to leave the tree stand to look for a more promising place to hunt tomorrow. I knew dusk was coming soon and had to move along quickly, looking at every possible spot. I heard a branch crack and leaves move. I turned around and a ten point buck was standing about fifty feet away, staring in my direction. I started to shake uncontrollable. It was a pure adrenaline rush. I pulled my gun up in position, putting him in the cross hairs of my scope. I took and deep breathe and slowly squeezed the trigger. I saw the buck run, but was unsure if I had shot him or not. I waited for my husband to show up to help me look for the buck. It was a good shot. The buck only ran about fifty yards or so. I was so excited about my first deer, on my first hunt. Some hunters only dream of having that kind of luck. I now have a ten point buck mounted on my wall to remind me that it was not a dream and how exciting my first hunt was.

1 answer

On November 17, 2004<~~add comma the sun silently started slipping beneath the horizon<~~add comma and soon darkness will be creeping in. I knew my first day of deer hunting was coming to an end. I had spent most of the day in a tree stand<~~add comma hopping<~~sp? to see a deer. I sat quietly as time went on. I figured,<~~delete comma I was not going to see anything and decided to leave the tree stand to look for a more promising place to hunt tomorrow. I knew dusk was coming soon and had to move along quickly, looking at every possible spot. I heard a branch crack and leaves move. I turned around and a ten point<~~hyphen between "ten" and "buck" buck was standing about fifty feet away, staring in my direction. I started to shake uncontrollable<~~needs to be an adverb, not an adjective; adverbs often end in -ly. It was a pure adrenaline rush<~~this sentence seems rather slangy -- "pure adrenaline rush". I pulled my gun up in position, putting him in the cross hairs of my scope. I took and deep breathe<~~that's the verb; you need the noun and slowly squeezed the trigger. I saw the buck run, but was unsure if I had shot him or not. I waited for my husband to show up to help me look for the buck. It was a good shot. The buck only ran about fifty yards or so. I was so excited about my first deer, on my first hunt. Some hunters only dream of having that kind of luck. I now have a ten point<~~add hyphen buck mounted on my wall to remind me that it was not a dream and how exciting my first hunt was.