i need someone to go on the cnn student news website and listen to the two vedios

dated 8/20/15
abd 8/26/15

on the 8/20

write the answer to todays shout out"
why is this significant?
briefly describe the news stories from today:5

reflection write a 4-5 sentence summary about of the top news stories from today.

describe what happend and why is it important right now in out society.

8/26 one

you just have to wrtie 3 stories that happend, and then a summary of the whole vedio a short summary.

8 answers

and why are you unable to listen to the videos on the website?
Great question!!
because im don't have headphones and im in the er
I'm sure your teacher would rather extend your due date for this assignment than have you cheat.
i know but i need help /
The only help you've asked for is that someone else do your assignment for you.

No way!!!!
yes i am i just finsihed watching the first one 8/20 vedio but i couldnnt find the part where it says
shout out

write the answer to today's shoutout?
why is this significant?
I'm not inclined to put myself out to watch a video for someone who has apparently lied to us.