i need some postive and negative aspects of schools.
i need help starting my intro can you help me thanks
4 answers
-larger schools can cause it to be harder for each student to get individual help because of larger classes
DON'T start any paper's first draft by writing the introduction! How can you introduce a paper that you haven't written yet?
Follow the writing process, whether you're writing for science, history, English, or whatever:
Prewriting: Brainstorm, research, plan, outline, thesis statement
Writing: Write first draft by starting with section II of your outline; write the introduction after the body of the paper is written; write the conclusion last.
Polishing: Revise, concentrating first on the body of the paper, then the intro, then the concl (revision = making sure ideas are logical and sequential and support your thesis); proofread (spelling, grammar, usage, etc.)
Do you have a thesis yet? Have you done your brainstorming (and maybe research) yet? Have you written an outline?
from http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/catalogue.html
Check in the Essay & Research Paper Level.
Let us know when you have drafted your thesis and outline.
Follow the writing process, whether you're writing for science, history, English, or whatever:
Prewriting: Brainstorm, research, plan, outline, thesis statement
Writing: Write first draft by starting with section II of your outline; write the introduction after the body of the paper is written; write the conclusion last.
Polishing: Revise, concentrating first on the body of the paper, then the intro, then the concl (revision = making sure ideas are logical and sequential and support your thesis); proofread (spelling, grammar, usage, etc.)
Do you have a thesis yet? Have you done your brainstorming (and maybe research) yet? Have you written an outline?
from http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/catalogue.html
Check in the Essay & Research Paper Level.
Let us know when you have drafted your thesis and outline.
Thanks you gave me great ideas
it means it is true it happened or it will happen soon.