I need some help with some questions from my civic's homework!

It's about the Articles of Confederation

1. How are delegates selected for Congress?

My answer: Delegates were selected for Congress by being appointed by the legislatures of each State.

2. What is the process for voting on resolutions in Congress?

My answer: Don't have one, I couldn't find the answer

3. What is the procedure by which Congress was to raise funds?

my answer: Again, I couldn't find an answer, and would appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance!

1 answer

1. yes

2. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&q=what+is+the+process+for+voting+on+resolutions+in+congress+articles+of+confederation&oq=+process+for+voting+on+resolutions+in+Congress&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0j0i22i30k1l2.4308.4308.0.18593.

3. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&q=Continental+congress+raise+funds&oq=Continental+congress+raise+funds&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i160k1.2049.12838.0.13090.