I need some help with my narrative essay about how I met a friend. I don't think I quite understand what I need to do, I've already written it but I need help fixing it to make it better. I have included information about when we met (June 28, 2016), how we met (a friend and I were building a sandcastle and she came over to help us), where we met (a day at the beach with some friends and their mutual friends), how we got to know each other (our moms became friends and wanted to get to know each other more and us visit their house), and a fact that is unimportant but I included anyway (she is younger than me but taller than me). but it still isn't good enough, I have no idea what to add to the writing or how to fix it. Can someone please help me.
3 answers
Try starting out with a couple of paragraphs telling about the BEST time you ever had with this friend. What were you doing? Where did you go? How did you feel? etc.
Then write the rest.
Before you submit it, be sure you have someone read it aloud to you. Yes, OUT LOUD! After you fix it up, have it read aloud to you again. Fix it again! It may take more than twice through like this before you submit it, but you'll end up with a better paper!