I need some help. For a class I need to do the following:

Frame a proper research question and complete the following research processes: tell me your variables, define or conceptualize all you terms and variables, tell me what level of measurement you will use, identify your method you will use, tell me how you will select a sample, and then identify and explain any possible ethical concerns you may have about your project.

3 answers

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?
Any ideas for research questions and any other area such as possible variables to go along with it...I have done so many papers and assignments in the past week that I am kind of brain dead...lol
Here are a few ideas for research.

Do children who attended preschool, including Head Start, get higher marks in 4th (or whatever) grade?

Which type of restaurant seems to have a higher percentage of overweight customers -- all-you-can-eat buffet or fast food?

What percentage of vehicles come to a full stop at a stop sign?