I need help writing this 3-10 page essay and I need someone to look at what I got so far so i know if it sounds good or if Im going the wrong way in this essay.


I remember that as a little girl, I would have this fascination with babies. The thought of having my own was like a dream waiting to happen, but of course when I was older and more mature. These days, I wonder, what was I thinking back then? Babies are hard work and raising a child is a great responsibility, but eventually I learned how to. Of course, it wasn’t my own child, but it was pretty close and I got to practice being a mommy. My brother was turning six weeks old and I had made the decision to leave school, start homeschool and take care of him so my mother could go back to work. Through this fulfilling experience I have learned patience, compassion, responsibility, multitasking, and time management. These qualities I couldn’t have learned without Nathan . Who knew a little troublemaker could make me get it together?

Second Paragraph

Patience is virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured. We tend to lose our patience when we’re tired, multitasking, or on a tight schedule. I, of course, have a tendency to lose my patience at all times of the day. Nathan would cry in the middle of the night and since I didn’t get any sleep during the day, would climb out of bed, sleepily, and make him a bottle. This would happen between two to five in the morning for many months. Our troublemaker was just not sleeping at night. This, of course, was trying my patience severely and at times I thought I would chew my lip off from chewing on it so hard out of frustration. I could control my anger, but not my frustration. Nathan was so much work, after changing his diaper, I would have to feed him, then carry him around while he wailed. In the first couple of months, he would have a fever that would start because he was born C-section. Frustration bubbled because I didn’t understand everything yet and didn’t know what to do to make him calm down. I sang to him. I made funny noises and funny faces. I made him bottle after bottle. But I was just not getting through to him. So with my patience almost reaching a breaking point and my lip almost tore of my face, I decided that I need to learn how to keep my patience inside of me and to stop chewing on my lip. The days wore on and I would listen to audiobooks on patience and read to Nathan from all kinds of children’s books. My patience now was simmering down, but my lip was still being chewed on.

this is what I have so far.... plz help

4 answers

I don't know what your assignment is, nor where you're going with this. But so far it looks good.

Be sure you're clear about your purpose in writing this essay.
the assignment was to write about a personal experience or personal knowledge, 3-10 pages, and using the pronoun "I"
may I ask what you mean about being clear on what im writing ?
I think it’s very good! Hope you pass! Do your best!