I need help writing an outline for what I have written here.

I would like to do my assignment of Microbes, more to the point on how microbes help us. When most people think of microbes they think for bad bacteria or the ugly side of what microbes does. I have been researching what microbes do for us. I even came across an article from Science Daily. About how microbes helped to consume the oil from the oil spill in the Gulf, more than a year ago. Microbes help by recycling our wastes and helping the land to have the nutrients we need to grow food that is needed. In us, bacteria destroy bad bacteria. They help to provide food for us: wine, bread, yogurt and cheese to name a few. Microbes help to breakdown our waste. Microbes are even used to help purify our water. We use microbes to create certain drugs: like Vitamin C, insulin, and even antibiotics. With this subject you can go in many different directions. There is even the possibility of writing on how antibiotics are destroying and changing the makeup of microbes, which cause different strains. How microbes are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Because of this, some diseases can no longer be treated with antibiotics.