I need help with undersatnding fallies. Example of a sentence to list fallicies: You're either a critical thinker or you're not.
2 answers
Fallacies are defects in an argument - other than false premises - which cause an argument to be invalid, unsound or weak. Fallacies can be separated into two general groups formal and informal.
Your example assumes everyone is either/or. Which of these fallacies seem to indicate that everything is either black or white?
Fallacy Types
Ad hominem
Group Think
Guilt Trip
Hasty Generalization
Poisoning the well
Post hoc
Red Herring
Scare Tactics
Wishful Thinking
Check your text materials for definitions of these fallacies.
Fallacy Types
Ad hominem
Group Think
Guilt Trip
Hasty Generalization
Poisoning the well
Post hoc
Red Herring
Scare Tactics
Wishful Thinking
Check your text materials for definitions of these fallacies.