I need help with this assignment: Argument Evaluation DUE: Day 7 Points: 100
· Read the essay “Bush’s Environmental Record” by Bob Herbert found in the “Appendix 1”, pgs. 461-462. To find this, click on the “Controlling Irrational Fears after 9/11” link found in the Materials Tab, and then scroll down to Selection 5. Do NOT read the 9/11 article for this assignment, but read the Environmental article instead.
· Find the attachment “Week 7 Written Assignment help” in the Course Materials forum. Use this to help you write your rough draft of this assignment.
· Identify an argument in the article. Outline the premises and conclusions you find. Add in any unstated premises or conclusions as/if needed. Then, in a complete paragraph, answer the following questions for each argument, making sure to explain how you arrived at your answers.
o Are the premises true or plausibly true, or are they difficult to prove?
o Do the premises support or prove the conclusion?
o Are the arguments deductively valid, deductively sound or inductively strong, or are they invalid or weak? Explain your answer carefully and in terms of the definition for your chosen vocabulary word.
· Do this again for a second argument that you find in this article.
· In a third paragraph answer the following questions:
o Do you agree with the stance and arguments of this paper? Why or why not? (In writing this paragraph, remember that you are, in fact, writing your own argument in support of or opposing this article. You’ll need a stance and at least one strong argument (conclusion supported or proven by premises.)
o Is your argument in support of or opposing Herbert’s stance a deductive or inductive one? Is it valid or sound (deductive) or strong (inductive)? Don’t write a weak or invalid argument!
3 answers