I need help with the following scenario to get started on a project. I am totally lost. Please HELP!

One of the patient care aides has complained to her manager that the Chief Medical Officer of the hospital has been following her around, making lewd comments, and trying to grab her. The manager is intimidated by the Medical Officer and ignores the complaint. The aide complains again and her manager demotes her to the night shift even though she has seniority over others in the area. The patient care aide goes to the EEOC and files a complaint of sexual harassment and retaliation. Three of her coworkers speak out on her behalf during the EEOC investigation process. When the manager finds out that they have spoken against the medical officer, she terminates the employees. One of the three coworkers also complained of harassment by the Medical Officer but had not filed an EEOC complaint. The hospital EEO officer comes to you as the executive administrator and asks you what to do.
Can you help me get started with the following questions:
1-Describe the situation
2-Identify and explain the law that applies to the situation.

6 answers

I have tried to answer these questions myself but still need some more help. The following are my responses. Please review and let me know if you think my answers are correct. If I have chosen the correct law for Question #2 please help me with information on this law in regard to the scenario.

An aide is being sexually harassed by the Chief Medical Officer of her hospital. She files a complaint with her manager who in turn ignores the complaint. When the aide decides she will not be ignored she files the complaint a second time with her manager who proceeds to demote her in hopes of the complaint disappearing. The aide then files a complaint of sexual harassment and retaliation with the EEOC. She produces three witnesses to corroborate her accusations. One of the three witnesses has also filed a harassment complaint against the Chief Medical Officer but has not pursued an EEOC complaint. The manager proceeds to terminate the employees.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
1) Which employees does the manager terminate?

2) Yes.
Would the manager be terminating the three witnesses plus the original complaintant?
I sure hope not!

Aren't you supposed to recommend the ethical and legal course of action? What legally should you do?
I just need to describe the situation and identify and explain the law that relates to the scenario. The scenario states that the manager terminated the employees. I am assuming this means all employees involved including the original person who filed the complaint. Is that the way you read the scenario?
Yes. The manager fired the complaining employees.

Obviously, that was illegal by Title VII. As executive manager, what would you do about this?