i need help with my outline. not sure where to go. i am at a complete loss
i know i want my topic to be Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide
I. TITLE: Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide
A. General Purpose: To persuade
B. Specific Purpose:
C. Central idea
II. Introduction
A. Key point #1
B. Key point #2
C. Key point #3
III. Body of the Presentation
A. Key Point #1
1. Supporting statement and resource
2. Supporting statement and resource
B. Key Point #2
1. Supporting statement and resource
2. Supporting statement and resource
C. Key Point #3
1. Supporting statement and resource
2. Supporting statement and resource
IV. Conclusion
1 answer
What are the reasons you think cell phones should be banned while driving? List them.