i need help with Lesson 1: Ancient Civilizations Portfolio
Social Studies 7 B Unit 5: Ancient Civilizations Portfolio
can someone just give me the ven diagram. i will do the rest.
like for example
Greece: .................
10 answers
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i need help with this
ht tps: // docs. google. com / document / d / 1TDcvzMaUF4j6EgZ4JlZAT6Jq8s9aPo23TL4n46GWk9s / edit? usp = sharing
Add your name in a comment and I will add it for you! Hv a nice day/Night!
ht tps: // docs. google. com / document / d / 1TDcvzMaUF4j6EgZ4JlZAT6Jq8s9aPo23TL4n46GWk9s / edit? usp = sharing
Add your name in a comment and I will add it for you! Hv a nice day/Night!
my name is lilyah can u add me
i dont have acsess
We really need answers for this
I can't access the petition also. I really want to sign it because I hate the Ancient Civilizations Portfolio.
I can't access the petition also. I really want to sign it because I hate the Ancient Civilizations Portfolio.
(This will be the venn disgram) Ok let me see and i go write it down just give me 1hour. And i am back here the answer
Roman -They came from greek ancient-They devoloped an large emipre with a central goverment-roman art largely imitated that are of geeks
Similar-thay are from mediterranean country-they both help shape wastern culture,govermentarchitecture,religion,science and art
Greece-the mainland of greece were divided by the mountian range-the lagest land of the southest greece are peloponnesian-Greece, the society was divided into slaves, freedmen, metics, citizens and women.
and now put in your own words if not the teacher will notice that we copy the same
and ur welcome and the reason why i did this because people were asking help and i think mostly of yall cant find answer on the witesite ;liuke brainly or something so here yall btw take care
Roman -They came from greek ancient-They devoloped an large emipre with a central goverment-roman art largely imitated that are of geeks
Similar-thay are from mediterranean country-they both help shape wastern culture,govermentarchitecture,religion,science and art
Greece-the mainland of greece were divided by the mountian range-the lagest land of the southest greece are peloponnesian-Greece, the society was divided into slaves, freedmen, metics, citizens and women.
and now put in your own words if not the teacher will notice that we copy the same
and ur welcome and the reason why i did this because people were asking help and i think mostly of yall cant find answer on the witesite ;liuke brainly or something so here yall btw take care
Government: What was the structure and what were the main principles of each civilization's government?
Answer: In Ancient Greece, there was no single government or ruler. Instead, each individual city-state had its own system of government, ranging from monarchies to oligarchies to democracies. The most well-known form of government that emerged from Ancient Greece was democracy, which was first developed in Athens in the 5th century BCE.
Ancient Rome, on the other hand, initially began as a monarchy but eventually became a republic. The Roman Republic was based on the principle of separation of powers, with three branches of government - the Senate, the consuls, and the assemblies - each with a specific role in the governance of the state. The Republic was eventually transformed into an empire, with an autocratic ruler known as the emperor at its head.
Answer: In Ancient Greece, there was no single government or ruler. Instead, each individual city-state had its own system of government, ranging from monarchies to oligarchies to democracies. The most well-known form of government that emerged from Ancient Greece was democracy, which was first developed in Athens in the 5th century BCE.
Ancient Rome, on the other hand, initially began as a monarchy but eventually became a republic. The Roman Republic was based on the principle of separation of powers, with three branches of government - the Senate, the consuls, and the assemblies - each with a specific role in the governance of the state. The Republic was eventually transformed into an empire, with an autocratic ruler known as the emperor at its head.
Religion: What were the main beliefs and practices of each civilization's religion?
Answer: Ancient Greece had a pantheon of gods and goddesses, with each city-state offering worship to its own set of deities. The gods were believed to be powerful beings who controlled the natural world and human affairs. Ancient Greeks sought to honor the gods through rituals, sacrifices, and festivals. The Olympic games, held to honor the god Zeus, were one of the most important religious ceremonies of Ancient Greece.
Ancient Rome's religion was initially heavily influenced by Ancient Greek religion, but eventually developed its own unique set of beliefs. Romans believed in a pantheon of gods as well, with Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva being some of the most important. Romans also believed in a set of larger, more abstract deities such as Fate and Providence. Like the Greeks, the Romans offered sacrifices and held festivals to honor the gods.
Answer: Ancient Greece had a pantheon of gods and goddesses, with each city-state offering worship to its own set of deities. The gods were believed to be powerful beings who controlled the natural world and human affairs. Ancient Greeks sought to honor the gods through rituals, sacrifices, and festivals. The Olympic games, held to honor the god Zeus, were one of the most important religious ceremonies of Ancient Greece.
Ancient Rome's religion was initially heavily influenced by Ancient Greek religion, but eventually developed its own unique set of beliefs. Romans believed in a pantheon of gods as well, with Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva being some of the most important. Romans also believed in a set of larger, more abstract deities such as Fate and Providence. Like the Greeks, the Romans offered sacrifices and held festivals to honor the gods.