I need help with editing my essay. I know my english sucks, so here I am. I need to know if it's FIRST AND FOREMOST on topic, grammatically correct, if the syntax is correct(i hate syntax), if my thesis is strong and repeated, and if it's a good essay overall.
The prompt: Discuss someone who has shaped who you are.
oh haha. i forgot to put up my essay:
Everyday we walk through life without realizing that the people around us are individual, that each of them touches our lives without us ever knowing; humans are inextricably connected, strangers in a crowd that unknowingly carry each other. I managed to poke my head past my unique world and take a look at this intricate system, managed to understand, the weight of everyone’s importance in life, and this glimpse shaped my ambitions and my perceptions of the world.
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i love u