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Sappho born 630 B.C. in . She was lyric poet. She wrote poetry that was admired by ancient world. Her poetry work was very personal in nature .She talk about herself, family , daughter and lovers. She also introduces ancient Greece to the word by her poetry .But
The theme of her poetry is emotions, love, passion and hatred. Most of her poems is about other woman‘s love. Her writing is not formally literary. There are also many incomplete poems and fragments in her poetry collection. She seem to be very modern in her thoughts, especially when it is about love, she likes to describe every detail about her lovers and sex. I wonder, even in the modern age, we could not find such open minded poet who has modern sense of exclusivity to her sex.
6 answers
Sappho was born 630 B.C. on the island of s. She was a lyric poet who wrote poetry that was admired by many people in the ancient world. Her poetry was very personal in nature. She wrote about herself, her family, her daughter, and lovers. She also introduced ancient Greece to the word by her poetry. (<~~This last sentence doesn't make sense.)
The themes of her poetry are emotions, love, passion, and hatred. Most of her poems are about other women's love. Her writing is not always formal. There are also many incomplete poems and fragments in her poetry collection. She seem to be very modern (<~~What does "modern" mean here? Modern in relation to when she lived? Or modern in relation to us today?) in her thoughts, especially when it is about love. She likes to describe every detail about her lovers and sex. I wonder, even in the modern age, if we can find such an open-minded poet who writes openly about homosexuality.
Sappho was born about 630 B.C. ...
Simple, she was great poet .Her poetry has depth of feeling and delicacy and grace of
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