I need Help to Answer the following paragraph.(Exam389808 From Penn Foster)

Part 4
Instructions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the words that you hear.You’ll hear the
poem two times.

En la 11. ___________ te llamé.
De la oscuridad me llamaste.
Reconocí tu 12. ___________.
Reconociste la mia.
“Vente para acá,” 13. ___________.
Respondiste: “¿Dónde estás, papá? No te 14. ___________ .”
“ 15. ___________ Estoy aquí,” dije.
“Tengo miedo,” dijiste.
“No, 16. ___________ . Espérate. Vengo a donde estás.”
“Está oscuro. No veo 17. ___________. 18. ___________ miedo.”
“No tengas miedo, hijito. 19. ___________ vengo.”
“Pronto, papá. Te 20.

1 answer

The first part tells you what to do...to listen to the story. There's obviously a CD or tape (or something similar) to go along with it. You'll have to listen to the story and decide what words go into those spaces.

They'll basically read the story with the words in there and you'll have to put the words in that are missing.