This is Physics?
I can't help you unless I know what is wrong. Do one, show your work.
i need help sovling for these variables(i know that i am supposed to solve usign opposite operartion but i keep getign most of them wrong.
A= 1/2 (a+b)h find a
A= 1/2 (a+b)h find h
T= squareroot I find I
V= 4/3pier^2 find r
3 answers
for A= 1/2 (a+b)h find h
is this right h= A/(1/20(a+b)
is this right h= A/(1/20(a+b)
No. multipy both sides by 2, divide both sides by (a+b)
h= 2A/(a+b)
I recommend you get a math tutor immediatiely, this is stock algebra I. You will have great difficulty in physics with your level of math skills.
h= 2A/(a+b)
I recommend you get a math tutor immediatiely, this is stock algebra I. You will have great difficulty in physics with your level of math skills.