I need help on what my body paragraphs could talk about. My intro talks about how surveillance technologies can possibly threat civil liberties. I picked quotes from the sources I had to use that could help me in this essay. What are 3 ideas I can say in each body paragraph where the quote can relate and help back me up? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

* ALSO, Should I keep those 3 points in that order?*
My points in each body paragraph are
Body paragraph 1.) Minimizes Freedom

“We feel more secure because of laws requiring the police to get warrants… the police need more powers to investigate terrorism opens us up to a police state” (Surveillance).
Body paragraph 2.) Threatens Privacy

“Every student has to wear an ID card containing the tag. When they arrive at school, the tag triggers a kiosk to record their presence and display their photos… For the school, it’s about security and efficiency” (O Harrow).


Body paragraph 3.)Instills a fear factor

“Wherever he may be, asleep or awake, working or resting, in his bath or in bed, he can be inspected without warning and without knowing that he is being inspected” (Orwell).

3 answers

What is your thesis sentence?
Here is my Introduction with my thesis.

In the workplace, a new security installment begins in the workplace. Workers begin to feel anxious and watched by the placement of cameras above their heads. New abundance of supervision technologies compose a threat to freedom mirroring Orwell’s fears. A surveillance community attacks civilization; consequently, the invasion of people’s fundamental privacy evokes fear in the community.
This seems to be your thesis statement:

" A surveillance community attacks civilization; consequently, the invasion of people’s fundamental privacy evokes fear in the community."

Your body paragraphs need to illustrate and prove that this invasion really does evoke fear.