I need help on formulating this into a paper that has to be 1500 words:
I.Being a strong supportive parent can become tough especially if you’re a single parent.
A.Some parents may have to work long late hours.
1.The obese children will eat whatever they like since they are home alone.
2.Since the parent is working late the child doesn’t get to eat a healthy home cooked meal.
B.Being a stressful single parent can result in unhealthy eating.
1.When the parent is stress they eat unhealthy causing the child to eat what the parents eat.
2.The obese child suffers and stress just like the parent so they eat unhealthy as well.
II.The children are not getting enough of physical outside play.
A. A lot of children do not go outside after they get home from school.
1. The children come home and sit around the house watching television or playing on the computer or with video games.
2. Some children get on punishment and they cannot outside meaning they are not getting the proper amount of physical play.
3 answers
Please post that, and we'll help you from there.
Do you think most single parent households have good parents ? What is a good parent ? Can a single parent be a good parent why or why not ? Are both parents still involved or is just one? How are the parents involved ?
List some ideas.
Then list the pros and cons of a single parent household
-lack of parental support
-no structure
Then, develop a major idea.
-lack of social bonds
-spending time with em
-taking em to games
-providing a positive role model
-providing structure
-caring for them
-you could talk about the problems of isolate teens for instance. They spend all their time online.