i need help locating a lab for regents chemistry. i have the data sheet but misplaced the rest of the lab. i know it's online somewhere, but i'm not sure which lab it is.. (what it is called).
The data sheet has 3 charts on it, 1 titled 'solubility'. it includes water, alcohol, and petroleum ether in the left column and napthalene, salt crystal, and sugar crystal in the top column. i had to fill in whether napthalene dissolved in water, alcohol, petroleum ether; whether salt dissolved in water, alcohol, petroleum ether, etc.
the second chart is titled 'solvent solvent solubility'. under 'solvent combination are water-alcohol, water-petroleum ether, and alcohol-petroleum ether. i had to fill in my results/observations. I put whether or not they dissolved, etc.
The final chart is titled 'results'. i basically have to fill in whether each compound (alcohol, water, petroleum ether, salt, sugar, napthalene) is polar, nonpolar, or both.
which lab is this? I need to locate it to print out the rest of it..
thanks sooo much for ANY help in advance!