Include as much detail as possible.
What are you wearing?
Are you alone or with others?
What are you hunting? Deer, rabbits, bear, moose?
Why are you hunting? Food for dinner? Food for several weeks?
What kind of terrain are you on? Grassland, sparse woods, tropical jungle, hardwood forest?
What kind of hardships do you have? Crossing a wild river, insects, heat, rain, cold?
Was the hunt successful?
Use your imagination, based upon the facts in your book.
I need help in how I can approach this assignment,so that I cover all the areas that are to be included and still write an interesting and quality paper, showing the ways of life during this time in history. The assignment reads like this:You are to write a minimum of 1 page narrative,written in the first person,describing a day of hunting. You are to use the details from your textbook, in order to show of describe the ways of life of early people.
Thanks for any help you can offer, I have never asked for helpin this way before, but my Mom read what I wrote and said it neeeds work and I haven't written it so the reader knowswhatlife might have felt or been like at that time.
1 answer