I need help in formating into APA style

Journal article
Author: Faith, Rebecca
Article Title: Poverty, A History Of
Journal Title: Journal of Rural Studies
Year: 1996
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Pgs: 212-214
ISSN: 0743-0167

Authors: Brian Friedmann, Rebecca Coy, and Lilian Wilson (editors)
Title: Emergences: Gender struggles for livelihood in Latin America
Year: 1977
Publisher: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, University of California
Publisher location: Los Angeles
Pgs: 207

Book chapter
Authors: Warner, Jens; Harris, Randal
Title: Narrative: Problems with Poverty in Third World Countries (pp. 39-58)
Book Title: Poverty and identity: Studies in self and cultureā€¦
Publisher location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Publisher: Daryl Benjamins Publishing Company.
Pgs: 307

1 answer

Here are a couple of really good websites that should help:


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