I need help finding action-packed words... and several other things cause the mid-term marks are gonna be tomorrow so I gotta boost my mark up before I fail...
Action-packed verbs are those that are very specific and vivid -- that is, they give the reader a "living" image of what the writer is describing.
There are many websites here that deal with action verbs. Check them out.
um... thanks, but that's not totally what I needed... the question is "Using action-packed verbs rather than colourless ones will make your writing clearer and more interesting. On the line below each sentence, write at least three vivid words that could replace the verb in heavy type. EG: The fiver soldiers WALKED down the street. marched,trampled,shuffled,staggered,trudged
This is not a difficult assignment then, right? Use a thesaurus (http://www.thesaurus.com) and choose words wisely.