i need help

discussed poetic devices and annotated several songs of Hamilton together. Cabinet Battle #2 takes place between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson discussing whether or not the U.S. decides to help France in its war against England. Your job is to construct an analysis of three paragraphs (Introduction, Body, and Conclusion) on who you think rhetorically was the most successful in their arguments. You must consider the speakers' literary devices and rhetorical appeals (Ethos, Pathos, and Logos).

Introduction Paragraph
A. Must include a description of the play and the two characters (Hamilton / Jefferson)
B. Discuss the issue debated
C. State your argument (winner) by their usage of specific literary devices / rhetorical appeals
Body Paragraph
A. Must include a topic sentence
B. Must provide two pieces of evidence from the text, in quotation marks, that supports your reasoning.
C. For each piece of evidence, explain how this proves that Hamilton or Jefferson is the clear winner.
A. Must restate, in new words, the issue that is debated and your position.
B. Must explain the importance of these devices/appeals in the ability to win the argument.