They must have started with some distance apart, the slower car in front.
make a graph, distance vs time, time on the horizontal axis.
At time zero, slow car is at y axis distance d. Mark that spot. Then, make a line with slope "average velocity". You will have to figure the average velocity (distance/time). Then make another graph, starting at y=0, that is the fast car. Now draw a line with slope of fast car. Where the two lines intersect, is the distance (and time) where they meet.
I need help constructing a graph showing and predicting when two toy cars traveling at different speeds when the fast car can pass the slower car.The fast car traveled 1.5 meters in .87 sec.and .94 sec and .97 sec in three trials. The slow car traveled 1.5 meters in 1.1 sec and 1.8 sec and 1.82sec in three trials. help!
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