i need help completing these tasks...can u guys offer help on each of these taskS? thanks...
task 1: describe how key aims and objectives for Nike may be achieved by promotional activity..
task1A: explain how the promotional aspect of the marketing mix facilitates the achievement of business aims and objectives..
task2: describe the distinctive contribution of advertising agencies and media towards the promotional success of a selected product.
task2A: explain the relative merits of using professional advertising agencies in ensuring the promotional success of a selected product..
task3: design a promotional campaign for a given product to meet the needs of a given campaign/creative brief
task3A: provide a rationale for a promotional campaign and make recommendations for possible improvement...
task4: evaluating the effectives of a promotional campaign in contribution to the achievement of business aims and objectives.. (example campaign)
task5: identify a potential business venture for self-employment, giving reasons for choice.
task 5A:identify and describe an appropriate legal structure together with related sources or finance...
task 6: produce a marketing strategy for a proposed new business venture, identify relevant tactics...
task6A: create a business plan for a potential new venture...
task7: evaluate the viability of a selected business venture as represented by a business plan making recommendations on how this may be strenghthened.
thanks very much