i need help coming up with a question that could be the basis for a research essay.

I don't know what topic you have in mind, but here are a few ideas to get you started. If there's nothing here, maybe one of these will trigger another idea in your mind.

What do Corrie Ten Boom and Miep Gies have in common, and how are they different?

How would Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird have been different if Tom Robinson had been found not guilty? What would that have said about culture in the South at the time?

Did Edna really commit suicide in Kate Chopin's novel The Awakening? Explain your reasoning.

What other questions can you come up with?


Choose a question that interests you. You could research a disease, an event or group of people in history, or a current controversial topic.

Why is it that women in the US are at great risk for breast cancer, and women in other countries are no where near this same risk?

Why is it that religious denominations are loosing members and non-demoniational churches growing?