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Exam 028005

It has come to my attention after a conversation with a DMD Medical Supplies representative that some of our work for them has been subpar. Knowing we are a customer driven company I did some investigation of the matter. During my review I noticed some issues in our workload and I have come up with a solution that I hope will alleviate the work load on one and bring our customer service level back to where it belongs. For the past three months Bruce has been working longer hours with shorter breaks with occasional over time that is costing the company more unnecessary money. There is no reason as to why he cannot complete his work during normal hours and still take each of his allotted breaks. The other problem that Bruce is having is that the quality of his work is starting to decline. If he is working more then he should be turning in high quality work. Next, Courtney seems to have too much time on her hands. She is coming in late and takes longer breaks then is allotted. It is my recommendation that we take some of Bruce's work and shift it over to Courtney. I would also recommend that we find out what Bruce is struggling with. Find out if he needs further training to advance his skills to help to become more efficient as well as improving the quality of her work.
I believe that shifting some of Bruce's work load over to Jack will not only save the company money on Bruce's overtime but with also improve Bruce's quality of work and better use Courtney and her skill set. This will help Bruce to take his allotted breaks and not have to work overtime. With shifting the work load we are working more efficiently as a team and improving our quality as well. With this shift we should be able to have the time to find out what areas Bruce needs training in. With this new training we will be able to give him the tools to succeed and give the level of service that we at DMD have taken pride in giving. With the shift of work, this should help all of us here at DMD to be more efficient and bring back the high quality that we are used to delivering. This will not cost the company any more money and we will eliminate Bruce's overtime by doing this. This should also bring our customer satisfaction back to the level we are used to maintaining. I thank you for your corporation and dedication to your work in the company. If there are any questions; we can set up a meeting with Tim in human resources to address them. Let’s all pull together as a team while Kara is out. Thank you again