I need an example non-prejudicial rhetoric.
If you take the definition of rhetoric as speech intended to persuade, probably one of the most persuasive lines was John F. Kennedy's admonition to "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."
Or how about Franklin D. Roosevelt's, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"?
Another way of analyzing prejudical rhetoric is this:
Record 5 minutes of the Fox News Channel. Then transcribe what was said. You can see that about 90 percent of what is stated is prejudical rhetoric. Then try to rewrite the stated words makeing it non-prejudical. Watch the meaning of prejudical: Content or images that are intended to form a conclusion or way of thinking on a subject before all the facts are presented.
I grew up in the South in a time where Jews, Negros, and non-English foreigners were mistrusted, despised, and vilified. Nowadays is is more subtle. I urge you to do the exercise I outlined above.
Additionally, take a look at advertisements: Is there any reason to believe anything presented is Non-Prejudical rhetoric? Nope, it is almost all prejudical rhetoric...intended to make a persistent imprint about their product.
I think the same can be said of CNN and the rest of them as well.
Have things changed since you were a boy in the south. I don't think so.