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Salt on your fries
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I need an acrostic poem for the element Sodium?? puhleez?! THANX!!!
5 answers
Some elements are soft
Others are not
Dazzling sometimes
In bright sunlight
Unlike others such as a gas
Metallic, of course, free at last
I'll leave the punctuation up to you. I like poems that rhyme. I'd give myself an "F" on something like this.
Others are not
Dazzling sometimes
In bright sunlight
Unlike others such as a gas
Metallic, of course, free at last
I'll leave the punctuation up to you. I like poems that rhyme. I'd give myself an "F" on something like this.
I need a acrostic poem for element
Some elements are soft
Others are not
Dazzling sometimes
In bright sunlight
Unlike others such as a gas
Metallic, of course, free at last
Others are not
Dazzling sometimes
In bright sunlight
Unlike others such as a gas
Metallic, of course, free at last