i need a website on the history and origin of congress and how it developed.

i looked online, but i need help on finding a specific website on that. please can you help me.

also do you know where i can find information of the political profile on the house and in the senate.

The makeup and powers of the US congress were defined by the US Constitution, which was ratified in 1789. During the Revolutionary War (1776-1797)and a brief period of the Articles of Confederation (1787-1789), there was a Continental Congress.

The political profile of the House and Senate is about to change as a reult of the last election. Democrats are once again the majority party in both houses. For details see
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Sections 2 and 3 of the US Constitution set out the formal laws that establish Congress in our country.

Here are some other websites that will have further information:

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Scroll down for the story of the First Continental Congress.



Where did homework originate from?