Offices: Boston, Chicago, Memphis, Charlotte, Atlanta, and Orlando
Location of Event: Miami
Travel Days: To Miami on Sunday, Returning from Miami on Saturday.
Travel Means: Air or Private Auto, whichever is convenient and reasonable. Autos must be shared.
Lodging: All attendees must stay at a major resort hotel.
Meals: Paid by the corporation at the hotel or per diem. Attendance at Recognition Banquet is required.
Training: 20 hours of training are required.
Attendees: One of each of the following classifications, from each location: Programmer, Analyst, Service, Marketing, Sales, and Installations.
Schedule: In addition to the 20 hours of required training, allow 20 hours of daytime recreation/free time.
Dress: Business casual for training and the Recognition Banquet.
Dates: Mid to late July.
Create a network diagram using the Activity on the Arrow format using the above information.
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