I need a seven long line iambic pentameter poem. PLEASE HELP...I have no idea how to do this and my teacher will fail me. please please help
9 answers
What does it have to be about?
Anything. Just describing something
Whats you favorite thing to do? (this may help you make your poem)
Hang out with friends. I think I want my poem describing love. I came up with this one but its not in iambic pentameter form what so ever. and I have no clue how to change it
Love, unconditional, unbreakable, unmistakable .
A beating within your heart unstoppable.
The realistic magic ever so real,
That you cannot explain but only feel.
The warmth inside your heart,
You feel even when you’re apart.
The memories which are, forever unbreakable.
Love, unconditional, unbreakable, unmistakable .
A beating within your heart unstoppable.
The realistic magic ever so real,
That you cannot explain but only feel.
The warmth inside your heart,
You feel even when you’re apart.
The memories which are, forever unbreakable.
Who is Annah then? cause she said this was HER poem!
Boys don't usally want to describe LOVE they usally are more interested in sports and hanging out with there friends. Don't lie. Are you Annah and Liz? This does not make sense.
I thought you scuked at poetry? That poem sounds pretty good don't you think? did you really write it? or are you lying and pretending you wrote it?? I don't that is what this website is for. :(
why is Liz not responding when this is HER question?