I need a god thesis for this A good citizen is a great for society. She or he feels that she/he has certain responsibilities towards the state, the responsibilities of being loyal and honest. just as the state has certain responsibilities towards him. Although, she /he is aware of the privileges and his or her duties A good citizen takes intelligent interest in politics, so that she or he may use his or her vote for the good of the country and the nations.
please help
10 answers
Societies need good citizens.
thank you and sue does the thesis at the end of my 8 sentence paragraph sound okay . A good citizen is a great for society. She or he feels that she/he has certain responsibilities towards the state, the responsibilities of being loyal and honest. just as the state has certain responsibilities towards him. Although, she /he is aware of the privileges and his or her duties A good citizen takes intelligent interest in politics, so that she or he may use his or her vote for the good of the country and the nations.
sorry here is the correct one
A good citizen is a great for society. She or he feels that she/he has certain responsibilities towards the state, the responsibilities of being loyal and honest. just as the state has certain responsibilities towards him. Although, she /he is aware of the privileges and his or her duties A good citizen takes intelligent interest in politics, so that she or he may use his or her vote for the good of the country and the nations. All Americans vote some say it’s not worth it does that mean there not a good citizen .
A good citizen is a great for society. She or he feels that she/he has certain responsibilities towards the state, the responsibilities of being loyal and honest. just as the state has certain responsibilities towards him. Although, she /he is aware of the privileges and his or her duties A good citizen takes intelligent interest in politics, so that she or he may use his or her vote for the good of the country and the nations. All Americans vote some say it’s not worth it does that mean there not a good citizen .
The last sentence is not a thesis statement. It's a detail supporting the thesis.
You also need to proofread this carefully.
You also need to proofread this carefully.
okay can you help on a idea for a thesis
There are several errors in your last sentence.
It is not a good thesis because your paragraph is not solely about voting.
It is not a good thesis because your paragraph is not solely about voting.
okay I will fix my paragraph and than could I use my last sentence as a thesis
The best thesis is the one I suggested.
The best thesis is the one I suggested.
okay Thank you
You're welcome.