I need a currency conversion application. It does not have to be written in an actual programming language, just the pseudocode as well as the elements listed below.
Complete requirements analysis
Validation and test documentation
The Currency Conversion application is a menu-driven program that allows users to select one of five international currency types, input the amount of a foreign currency, and then convert the foreign currency to dollars. The program displays the equivalent dollar amount and returns the user to the menu until he or she enters another conversion or quits the program.
International currency type (menu selection)
Canadian dollars (rate: 1 U.S. dollar = 1.4680 Canadian dollars)
Mexican pesos (rate: 1 U.S. dollar = 9.5085 pesos)
English pounds (rate: 1.6433 U.S. dollars = 1 pound)
Japanese yen (rate: 1 U.S. dollar = 104.9200 yen)
French francs (rate: 1 U.S. dollar = 6.2561 francs)
List the application-level requirements for the Currency Conversion project.
Use a structured programming approach to generate an Input-Process-Output chart for the application.
Generate the hierarchy chart for the application.
Generate a set of test inputs and expected results for the Currency Conversion program.
Write pseudocode for the application
Please note - this is needed asap.
7 answers
criteria for eligibility are that the citizen must be 18 or older and must not be a convicted
felon. The algorithm must continuously accept as input only the names, year of birth and
felony status of a citizen. The algorithm should continue to accept this information until a
year of 0 (zero) is input.
Print the name of the citizen and a statement saying whether or not the citizen is eligible to