Chief’s Perspective
I am one of five, a mighty leader I be.
Governing millions of Taino’s; their safety up to me,
One day a ship approaches with a tribe of pale face people,
We offer fruits of our labor and land; and shelters in our steeples.
But even after we gave what we could it did not seem enough,
The pale faced people did not budge from where they stood,
Our lives would soon be snuff,
Ravaged by disease and war,
Our numbers began to dwindle.
A mighty leader till my last roar,
Our village turned to kindle.
Columbus’s Perspective
After many months at sea;
Land is up ahead.
Strange looking people look out at me;
They will listen or be dead.
I bring the word of the lord;
So bow your head and praise,
Or youll see the end of my sword,
And your eyes will begin to glaze.
What I offer is salvation,
To redeem your damned souls.
I bring this to England’s new nation,
a land of religion and goals.
I need 5 poems of European and 5 poems of Taino.
I need websites or the real answers.
2 answers