i need 2 write a paragraph about anubis wot shood i write????? i fink i need some info to copy???????

I think you need some religion: The kind that a tough hard nosed teacher can give. It appears you are long overdue. Apparently, no one has ever told you that you don't have to act and write like a jerk....you could be somebody, if you set your mind to it. You don't have to copy what others think or do, or even copy writing from the web. Think about that.

Search for Anubis on the web.

If you find something interesting and useful on the web or in a book, just remember that teachers have many resources at hand to find out if you plagiarized. If you can find it, so can your teacher!

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Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help. Here are some sites with information on Anubis. You could talk about any symbolism you note. (the color black for example) As the other teachers mentioned, do not copy anything! Collect your information and then write something in your own words. Anything you write about usually needs research. Then keep in mind a "standard" essay which begins with an introduction and ends with a conclusion. The other paragraphs will contain each "point" you want to make about the subject.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubis

2. http://www.touregypt.net/godsofegypt/anubis.htm

3. http://www.touregypt.net/godsofegypt/anubis.htm

Of course you will encounter words you don't know. Be sure to look them up in a good dictionary (and or Thesaurus) so you can find a synonym you already know. Reading is a wonderful way to increase your vocabulary. While you are writing your paper, no doubt you can also refer to what you have been studying lately in class.

Based on your posting, be sure to check your spelling!