I need 2 seprate paragraphs about "the stone" and "the three brass pennies" pls help

Identify the theme of the story in your topic sentence .

Include several supporting details from the text.

Explain how those details develop or support the theme of the stories.

End your paragraphs with strong concluding sentences .

Pls help i have been struggling with this for a few days

I need sources or help with it, i only know the answers for question 1 and and 4

3 answers

No one here will write your assignment for you. However, if you post what you write (no rough drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.
HOW do you know the answer for #1? That's what #2 requires. Find at least 3 quotations or explicit actions that prove your answer for #1 is correct and tell why.

If you do those things, you will complete the whole assignment.
Have you ever wished, and that wish did not come true? The theme for the store, the stone is:” you don’t get everything you wish for:”. In the, the story, the stone on age ten, it states “I told you we don’t like to give away those stone. When mortals get ahold of one, you stay just as you are but so does everything around you.” Maibon wanted the stone because he did not want to get old, and this magical stone could make him stay his age forever. There was a price. That stone made everything around maibon stay as it is. His chicken’s eggs were due to hatch, his plats due to harvest, and his daughters tooth due to grow. The theme is “you don’t get everything you wish for” because maibon did not wish for all those awful things to happen, but magic always has a price. ( the stone)
That stone made everything around maibon stay as it is. His chicken’s eggs were due to hatch, his plats due to harvest, and his daughters tooth due to grow. The theme is “you don’t get everything you wish for” because maibon did not wish for all those awful things to happen, but magic always has a price. (the stone part two)