I nee help revising my essay here it is

This is what my general view on American History. Well let me tell you it’s a course that we all have to take in high school to graduate. In school we are confronted with American History, state History and general courses of the western civilization and world history. In school no one has a choice we all have to take these courses.
When studying History it can be fun or it can be boring for me it was boring but I still learned a lot. History can be a bad experience if you have a bad teacher. When I started with history my first year in high school I had a bad teacher he didn’t care about what grades we got or if we learned anything I think that why I don’t like history today. The rest of my high years I had great teachers but I still didn’t like history I did learn about the different part of history like physical science, Geology, and biology. Those classes weren’t bad but it didn’t make me like History I wish I had the teacher that wanted us to learn in the beginning so I would like History. I have learned what history has to offer in the business world everything has history in it. These courses we take today like in medical field, business we can’t escape history at all as we learn though out our years.
We are told that we study history to so we don’t make the past mistake. If we had learned from the past centuries we would have accumulated a lot of knowledge that like the poverty, injustice and the wars wouldn’t have existed. We all still have to learn a lot and have a long way to go to respect history and our country. What happen to UNITED we STAND and the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE. We use to say these every morning before school started plus we all would say a prayer. I don’t know what this world is coming from but we need to all stick together and teach these new children the respect we had while in school. This all need to be put back in to the school systems. Not sure what these school systems are trying to do to these young children and for some of these parents that are fighting to keep this all out of the school system don’t really care what their children then. For the parents that do care we are being pushed out of the system because we care for our children. The school needs to put back the way they were when we were in school. Most of us really turned out well it didn’t hurt us to say these before school. Our parents respected the school system.
You have heard everything repeats it’s self so that is why we study history so we have something for the future. We study history to insist that we study the past it will reveal in the future. I would really like to know the present what it going to turn out like. History is the future history can reveal the present if we study it well.
We study history so we can study everything for the simple reason that everything has history in it. The ideas like, the wars, numbers, races, coal miners, and motherhood. Everything changes to modify the world. But the past keeps revealing it years later even in decades and perhaps centuries later.
How do I think that negative interpretation could be changed? This is why I think people have a negative view when studying History. Some people think history is boring that it’s been presenting in an unenjoyable way. We as people have to watch out for the future and what it is going to be like for our children, like what gas will cost for them or what jobs will be. I feel it will be all computerized within the next few years and there won’t be many jobs because computers will take over the job loads. For those who can’t remember the past will study it and repeat the past over again. I feel if the teacher in high school would do some plays or skids on the wars and let the student be the actors. They need to put some fun in history. They could also do a play on the mayflower around thanksgiving for the other students to watch in school. The teacher could do stuff like that with the class. I know if they would have done this when I was in school I may of like studying history.
This is briefly discussing a modern day debate in American role of the government. There was a personal defeat by the partisan brinkmanship that was in Washington DC which went on that was in our representatives put on their own careers, the party platforms and the self interest that was ahead of the country. The Unite States of America was on the blink of defaulting on the debt and disrupting the economy because of our government is nonfunctional. At least one of our political parties is saying that is totally fine to give them negotiating advantage. The other parties have just shoved their fingers in its ears and their head in the butts and they refused to acknowledge the problems that are going on. The world financial system is falling apart really bad and this is the worst case ever in the world.
United States is really facing a major economic crisis at this time. And there is no quick or painless way to fix these problems. Only if we stick together and straighten this world up. The government needs to get their heads out of their butts do the right thing to straighten it out. This will require a hard working solution, compromise, leadership and a very long term planning. I feel if the government would slash their spending and start to put the money in where it is needed like insurances, medical field, schooling, stuff that we all need and get the Military over season out. Bring them home to their families. The Greeks and the UK are experiments and demonstrate, and simple slashing their spending. They are jacking up the taxes over the next few years and that won’t even fix the problem. This will make the problem a lot worse than it already is. With the spending cuts and the tax increase will have to be over a period of time.
The big solution will require a deeper grip on the country’s financial problems than most of the American population will help the solution. The polls continue to show that some of the American want to cut the debt and deficit the other part of Americans don’t want to raise the taxes or cut the spending. There is something wrong with this picture with this debate.
Instead of leading this country out of this big mess for the job that we sent our representatives to Washington DC to do. Our government focuses on only pandering to the constituents and getting re-elected. This is where we as American citizens should put change in this government and not re-elect them and add new fresh and younger people faces to the voting poll. This has leaded us to complain about the lack of leadership in Washington DC. In turn has lead some people so say that when we send people to Washington they are not to lead us they are to represent us. That will bring us to the debate of the day.
This is the mission of our elected representatives. We have elected our
Representatives to lead our country in a way that they see fit. Like the way CEO and managers lead their companies. The representative’s job is to listen to us on a day to day basis and represent what we are thinking and what are feelings are. (Blodget, 2011)
This is modern day debate in American Military intervention. There has been a debate in the recent years about the politics and ethics crossing the border military intervention by the powerful states. The war theory and the international laws have long admitted the use of the force in self defense by the states facing actual or threatening attacks. Beyond this there has never been a consensus on the ethic of the military intervention. They organized this conference to believe that a careful re-examination of the normative arguments on the international use to force to put forward by some of the most distinguished modern European political thinkers ranging from the natural law theorists. This could help us to consider the ethical conclusion of the day military interventions in refreshers new lights. Those classical thinkers with several of the ethical problems that we face today, with regard to humanitarian intervention, preventive or military action to oppose dangers, or more ambitious imperial projects intended to “civilize” foreign peoples. The conference brings together a distinguished group of American and European in international relations and political theory. Most influential modern European thinkers on questions of military intervention and empire. Urgently seek to relate the classical thinkers’ arguments to contemporary world affairs.
But beyond that there has never been a consensus on the ethics of military intervention. The organizers of this conference will be careful in re-examination of the normative arguments on the international use force to put forward by some of the most distinguished modern European political thinkers which will range from natural-law theorists. Could help us to consider the ethical implications of the day military interventions in refreshing new light. Those classical thinkers will have several of the ethical dilemmas that we are facing today, regard to humanitarian intervention, preventive or military action to overcome dangers, or ambitious imperial projects intended to “civilize” foreign peoples. The conference will bring together a distinguished group of American and European in international relations and political theory. Most of the influential modern European thinkers on questions of military intervention and empire. Arguments to contemporary world affairs. The conference should have a great interest to faculty and political science, international affairs, history, law, philosophy, and European studies. (Science, 2009)
This is the modern day debate in American Immigration. Immigration is the hottest topics in the country in today world Most of the arguments, however, revolve around one of two common places, both of which denigrate with today’s newcomers. The first claims that modern day immigrants are most of our problems. They are illegal, they commit crimes, and they are just here for the benefits. The old immigrants who could be our parents or grandparents are the good folks. They weren't illegal they became Americans to worked hard, and despite America's, they became good citizens. Now days some immigration are loafers and trouble makers and others are like our grandparents or parent were hard workers and good folks. Some just want to have kids and live off the state government instead of working for a living.
Immigration is indeed a journey, and is often a rough one. It causes an incredible -- sometimes unbearable strain on their marriages, and on their families. Husbands were unable to thrive in a difficult job market. They abandon their loved ones to return home and just move on. Children assimilate at different rates from their parents; their dreams were different dreams, develop different needs and wants. They rebel on others, also started to act out, and often leave their families behind.
Everything was a challenge for them. The great historian Ronald Takiki once said how much work it is for a newcomer to pay a utility bill. He or she had to figure out which, of the incredible cluster of numbers was the amount to pay, they have to purchase money order to pay their bills. They had to learn which way to fold their bill up to put in the envelopes, which crease to tear off on their bills, then how to seal the envelope. Finally had to put on a stamp on the envelope they didn’t know where to put it. This is no easy assignment for them because they never had to do this before. Yet we take all this for granted because we know how to do all this. Life as an immigrant can be hard in so many ways. To us it may be a little job and for them it will be a big job. New immigrants cannot speak the language where ever they go. They don’t understand ways of life, or the customs we have. This is why they seek out neighborhoods of their own, for comfort and familiar settings. These differences can make the new arrivals a pain. The fact remains, that all of this the good and the bad has been the American immigration experience since the beginning. Immigration is not easy, for any of the parties involved. But it is worth the struggle, the pain and that tortures them, if we want to see America continue to remain a great and powerful nation. An above all, if we want it to continue to be America. (Slayton, August 11, 2010 )

This is why I think looking at the historical record of this modern debate is either useful or not in understanding the debate. This writer has recently published a book which examines the cultural origins of a certain American outlook that, since the World War 2, has inspired generally unsuccessful military interventions into non-Western countries, the most dramatic of them being the defeat in Vietnam followed by the genocide in Cambodia. This American outlook eventually inspired the 2001-2003 invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, neither of them successfully settled or won, and both of them, these days, looking as if they may crumble again into dangerous violence, despite the continued presence of American troops and in Afghanistan, those of NATO. This may make the book sound like just one more American recitation of how the Bush and Obama administrations have gone wrong. Accompanied by some new argument about how the Unite States might shake its way out of its problems, or renew its efforts to turn Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, other non-Western countries, into modern global democracies, or reorganize the world generally according to some progressive or particular scheme.
The isolated American colonies largely escaped the European Enlightenment experience, and therefore escaped the lessons it taught the Europeans during the 19th and 20th centuries. The modern Paganism inspired the effort to create ordinary paradise. It taught that since there was no God, no heaven and presumably no end to history, men would have to change human society and destiny, if there was to be any change at all. A better world would have to come from human effort if there was ever to be a better world and life.
Therefore in the 19th century a series of theories about human destiny were proclaimed, nearly always accompanied by a plan showing how people must behave to make a heaven on earth, or something close to it. There was Marxism, intended to lead to the triumph of the working class and the perfection of society. There were testament of racial superiority and thrive over lesser races, or other human groups or classes. Nazism was the obvious case, but there were plenty of others, few of them peaceful, most involving conquest by war, the destruction of rival groups, and the arrival of a New Man. Usually it was assumed as in the 20th century totalitarianisms that ruthless action was essential to make this happen.
There would be no more history because there would be no need for it. All the important problems would have been solved, largely through peaceful action and the good example and leadership of the United States. It has not turned out that way. Even after the well-intentioned wars waged by the United States, Americans are still struggling to establish their own version of a utopian world order, the great image of the Enlightenment. We are still at it by means of American interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and possibly Iran, Central Asia and elsewhere.
The conclusion of my argument is that no secular Utopia is going to be created. The lesson of modern European history the world wars and the great totalitarian convulsions is that trying to create one invites disaster.
My other conclusion is a very old one. No single power is going to “conquer” the world even if its motivation is benevolent. The effort is nearly always destructive to all. This is a lesson, to which few listen. It was formulated in the great period of classical Greek philosophy and drama, and summed up in classical tragedy. The pattern is simple: The achievement of great power, the growth of unchecked ambition, power’s misuse through the flaws of human character, produce crimes against what the commonality of society understands as moral order. This constitutes hubris arrogant overreaching. It invariably ends in defeat and retribution. It undoubtedly will happen to us too.

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