(-2)-(-6)-4= -2+6-4=-_+6=
-2-4 = -6
-6+6 = 0
in other words
(-2)-(-6)-4= -2+6-4=-6+6= 0
-48+(-25)-(-13)+12= - 48 - 25 + 13 + 12
i m doing a worksheet with negatives and parentheses...they have examples to explain how to do it:
Ex. (-6)-(-41)+(-18)-35
= -6+41-18-35=35-18-35=-18
i understand that part
how do you do this two?
(-2)-(-6)-4= -2+6-4=-_+6=
in the first problem, there is a blank that u have to fill in first
help me please
1 answer